Welcome to St Michaels Church website

                St Michael’s Church, South Littleton
Benefice of East Vale and Avon Villages.
For general enquires please contact the Churchwardens Robert Johnson 01386 831504 or Sue Jinks 01386 831553. 

By using this website and leaving personal contact details you agree to the holding and processing of personal data by the PCC of St Michaels the Archangel, whom may contact you from time to time concerning the 100 club and also general church fundraising events. You can unsubscribe at any time, by contacting the Secretary to the PCC Robert Johnson at developejcs@aol.com or 01386 831504. Details of our Data Privacy Notice are available on request.

 Useful Safeguarding information- We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of everyone who uses our church. If you have any concerns about safety and safeguarding, or would like to talk to someone about an issue, here are some useful contact numbers.  "Rev Joanna Fielding Priest in Charge"  01386 832599, Lisa Farmer Parish Safeguarding Officer 01386 40401, Hilary Higton Diocese Safeguarding Officer 07495 060869, Childline 0800 1111, Age Concern 0800 678 numbers.  

Can you help?
Please support your church by making a donation, click on the donation tab at the top of your page.

St Michael's - a small village church, in the heart of South Littleton in the Vale of Evesham, Worcestershire. Like many others a small voluntary team of people maintain the church, raise the funds to ensure its future and organise its day to day running.  All are very welcome to our services.

Patron: the Dean and Chapter of Christchurch Oxford

Running of your Church
Please contact the Churchwardens and PCC.

Christian Aid
Christian Aid Week is 11th - 17th May 2025.  An "E Envelope" is set up for "individual giving" and the details of "St Michaels Page" on the "Christian Aid Website" can be found in the Church Porch together with a "QR code".    Please give whatever you can.

The Littleton’s School
Churchwardens and PCC read weekly "Open the Book" bible stories in school, and serve as foundation governors.